- The predictive dialing engine starts dialing numbers for a list of contacts in specific campaigns.
- Dialing algorithm based on various factors like average call length, nature of calls, time of day, and agent availability adjusts outbound dialing rate in real-time.
- The call center manager can also tune the various dialing algorithm parameters for a customized call pacing rate depending upon the requirement.
- All the answered calls are routed to agents and the remaining are again automatically scheduled for retry at a later interval.
Phone is still the most widely used channel for sales development and companies use cold calling as a strategy to generate leads in both (B2B and B2C) scenarios. The more the number of prospects being reached, the higher the lead generation rate.
In today’s digital times, businesses are exploring various digital channels as well to generate leads, and these web leads are then reached out via phone for further qualification, nurturing, and closure. Lead response time is a crucial factor in determining the lead conversion rate.
An integrated outbound dialer allows the agent to have contextual conversations as all the relevant customer data is available using CTI and CRM integration. At the same time, the agents can update customer details in real-time and the same will be pushed to the CRM. This increases sales conversions.
Every business needs to promote its offerings to existing and prospective customers for better Sales. And also for improving their products and services, they need feedback from their customer base. A robust call center dialer helps to reach out to a vast customer base efficiently and quickly.